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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Welcome Home

After approximately two weeks in Louisiana, I have finally made it back home safely to Georgia. Visiting family was nice and being so far from my home was a nice change of pace. It wasn't the best of family visits as with all families, my family's own disfunctional state tends to be cause for drama. However, there were those few who it was wonderful to see and wonderful to meet.

Spending time with my grandmother, as always, is a complete blessing. She is a beautifully strong woman putting up with what she puts up with and I just can't imagine being as old as she is and still running around constantly every single day. I do worry about her running herself into the ground, but it is still nice to see an older woman such as herself still strong and holding up her own. Just as well it was a delight to meet two of my grandmother's oldest friends from back in the seventies. Oh the stories they told were wonderful and their company was a delight.

Still, I have been pining for my own home and room and my own things for at least half of the time I was gone. However, now that I'm back home, amongst my clothes and my jewelry and my dog and my boyfriend, I have no idea what to do with myself.

Here I am blogging about not knowing what to do as a mere measure of putting off actually deciding what it is I should be doing. Working on my drawings? Working on some jewelry? Cleaning my room? Doing some much needed laundry?

I think instead, I'm going to sit here and wait for my mother to finish cooking biscuits.

It's good to be home.

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