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Sunday, May 29, 2011

100 Things - Part One

Running across various blogs on the internet, I found a challenge by a fantastic blogger, http://www.sofiasjournal.com/. She created a nifty little project of optimism, meditation, and self realization. She challenged herself to identify 100 things that make her happy in hopes to view things in a less negative light. At the end of her challenge, she challenged other bloggers to find 100 things that make them happy and possibly even come up with 100 things that make them unhappy.

I found this to be an amazing idea. This world is such a negative environtment in which a fog of bitterness constantly hinders most people from seeing and doing what truly makes them happy. I think this a very great means of self realization and I encourage anyone out there to do the same and see what you come up with.

Anywho, here is the first part of my 100 Things list.

1.Buying new books


3.Red lipstick



6.Having my hair brushed

7.The feeling when you have a crush on someone

8.Doing normal things in my underwear (Cooking, reading, video games, dancing, ect.)


10.Sleeping on long car rides

11.Sleeping next to a man I love

12.Sweet Nothings in my ears

13.Long bubble baths

14.Country love songs

15.Being left love notes

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